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Black Background

Achemi Valenxia

Alias(es): The Son, The circle of winter, the sword of black ice.

Race: ________

Nationality: Unknown.

Age: 20 years old. (Immortal by age is 133.)

Gender: Male.

Occupation: The descendant of Viktoriya.


Hair Colour: Black.

Eye Colour: Snow white.

Build: Muscular built, athletically compatible.



The accursed world once upon a knowledge- Son of Vik through his existential crisis that when Hell had no time lapse, he writhed in anguished cries with a single connection to a deity given him refruge. In exchange, he was stuck at the age where he died. An immortality type where age doesn't catch up with him. Cursed or not, he can die with any incentive that unifies his business until what was done or been given to him. By battle or protecting. 

The devils left hand, left-hand pathology-

From the distance, the brain linking, sharing everything in a electro-chemical level. Emotion, memory, perception, everything from the content directly. Its unprecedented implications on psychology, striving pharmaceuticals upon the conscious itself. This given towards stimulation of aygdale, set of emotion and memory allocation; the fear center of the brain. This hand was bestowed to the heart of the user, given its occult principles and how it maintains demons in thier formless association. Hell is in command, dark aspects that boils down to the heart of man is committed, and within bonded years to come.

This left-hand grasps the most basic usage of Hell's gears, powers, and magic. Moreover, it commands the ability to thwart or recall evil to their respective services. Demonstrated graphical experience, it cannot individuate oneness without the demons themselves in providing such powerful permission measures between the user and Demon.

Articles of winter- History be told that the son of Vik can progress breathing thresholds to producing the winter cold fronts, that being the edge of absolute zero or more in the lower temperature that brews by a blow of air from the mouth.

Ice manipulation and generation.

Black ice: This force that dwells within Achmei utilizes his life-force to hardened the ice, breaching its temperature below zero, and statuses anything he touches and brings in his extension in complete halt of motion, designed to conquered Hells flames and by doing this will limit his time of using due to frostbite of a certain degree.

Enhanced strength and durability, speed, and perception.

Immune to a certain ailments.

Dark arts specialist.

Evil based conjuring.

Revelations with Demons.

Magic circle understanding.

Runic understanding and relationships.

Bilingualism. [English and Latin]

Weapons: Frost strike- A weapon-based element that produces the ominous cold, swings heavy and weighs heavy. Hitting targets induces his ice manipulation and generation as his extension, making it easier to recall or even throwing it in the midst of battle by manipulating the ice that coats its blade.

The Art of Magic-

The art of Magic is the art of employing invisible or so-called spiritual agencies to obtain certain visible results. Such agencies are not necessarily invisible entities, flitting about in vacant space, ready to come at the command of anyone who has learned certain incantations and ceremonies; but they consist principally in the unseen but nevertheless powerful influences of the Emotions and the Will, of desires and passions, thought and imagination, love and hate, fear and hope, faith and doubt. They are the powers of what is called the Soul; they are employed everywhere and by everybody every day, consciously or unconsciously, willingly or unwillingly, and while those that cannot control or resist such influences, but are controlled by them


Alchemists knowledge- Alchemy was a theory and practice in medieval times that is now considered an early protoscience. The word "alchemy" can be traced back to Arabic words, such as al-kīmiyā’ (الكيمياء) and al-khīmiyā’ (الخيمياء), both of which mean "the art of transformation." It was supposed to be used as a tool for one to be able to change any metal into gold, or esoterically speaking create an elixir of immortality. It was also seen as a spiritual practice along with being a physical one. Alchemists of the Middle Ages had a belief in the holistic nature of reality, consisting of not only matter but spirit too. In alchemy, the Alchemist is a person who practices the art of transformation. In order to perform this work, they must have a deep understanding of their own spiritual and material being.

One of the most important aspects of alchemy is looking for the "philosopher's stone." The philosopher's stone was often seen as a metaphor for enlightenment and spiritual purity. Alchemists aiming for the philosopher's stone were trying to purify themselves in order to reach complete spiritual understanding.The alchemists, who in their own way knew more about the nature of the individuation process than we moderns do, expressed this paradox through the symbol of the Ouroboros, the snake that eats its own tail. The Ouroboros has been said to have a meaning of infinity or wholeness. In the age-old image of the Ouroboros lies the thought of devouring oneself and turning oneself into a circulatory process, for it was clear to the more astute alchemists that the prima materia of the art was man himself. The Ouroboros is a dramatic symbol for the integration and assimilation of the opposite, i.e. of the shadow. This ‘feed-back’ process is at the same time a symbol of immortality, since it is said of the Ouroboros that he slays himself and brings himself to life, fertilizes himself and gives birth to himself. He symbolizes the One, who proceeds from the clash of opposites, and he therefore constitutes the secret of the prima materia which unquestionably stems from man’s unconscious.

Biography: True devil's reign is a esoteric; it is not a thing of this world.

All that we have here is a link, a doorway, through which the student may pass into the unknown. Hell has nothing to do with things of formal safety that it realizes form is molded by and manifests the life it contains. Consequently the student is seeking so to mold his life that the form will glorify the world's temple that he is slowly building as he awakens one by one the workmen within himself and directs them to carry out the plan that has been given him out of Hell.

So far as it is possible to discover, ancient cultures and the beautiful cosmic allegories that it teaches, perpetuated through

hundreds of lodges and ancient mysteries, forms the oldest of the arms schools; and its preservation through the ages has not depended upon itself as an exoteric body of partly evolved individuals but upon a concealed brotherhood, the exoteric side of Hell.

All the great inspiration of schools have hierarchies upon the spiritual planes of nature which are expressing themselves in this world through creeds and organizations. The true student seeks to lift himself from the exoteric body upward spiritually until he joins the esoteric group which, without a lodge on the physical plane of nature, is far greater than all the lodges of which it is the central fire. The spiritual instructors of humanity are forced to labor in the concrete world with things comprehensible to the concrete mind, and there man begins to comprehend the meaning of the allegories and symbols which surround his exoteric work as soon as he prepares himself to receive them. Becoming more adequate in understanding spiritual essences.

The true definition of student realizes that the work of the Mystery Schools in the world is of an inclusive rather than an exclusive nature, and that the only lodge which is broad enough to express his ideals is one whose dome is the heavens, whose pillars are the corners of creation, whose checker-board floor is composed of the crossing currents of human emotion and whose altar is the human heart. Creeds cannot bind the true seeker for truth. Realizing the unity of all truth, the student also realizes that the hierarchies laboring with him have given him in his varying degrees the mystic spiritual rituals of all the Mystery of Hell in the world, and if he would fill his place in the plan he must not enter this sacred study for what he can get out of it but that he may learn how to serve.

In Hell is concealed the mystery of creation, the answer to the problem of existence, and the path the student must tread in order to achieve living power.

The true student realizes most of all that the taking of degrees does not make a man a demon. A Demon is not appointed; he is evolved and he must realize that the position he holds in the exoteric lodge means nothing compared to his position in the spiritual lodge of life. He must forever discard the idea that he can be told or instructed in the sacred Mysteries or that his being a member of an organization improves him in any way.

He must realize that his duty is to build and evolve the sacred teachings in his own being: that nothing but his own purified being can unlock the door to the sealed libraries of human consciousness, and that his Hell rites must eternally be speculative until he makes them operative by living the life of the mystical reaches of Hell.

His karmic responsibilities increase with his opportunities. Those who are surrounded with knowledge and opportunity for self-improvement and make nothing of these opportunities are the lazy workmen who will be spiritually, if not physically, cast out of the temple of worlds.The Hell order is not a mere social organization, but is composed of all those who have banded themselves together to learn and apply the principles of mysticism and the occult rites. They are (or should be) philosophers, sages and unsober-minded

individuals who have dedicated themselves upon the Hell altar and vowed by all they hold dear that the world shall be better, wiser, and happier because they have lived for moments of risk.

Those who enter these mystic rites and pass between the pillars seeking either prestige or

commercial advantage are blasphemers, and while in this world we may count them as successful, they are the cosmic failures who have barred themselves out from the true rite whose keynote is unselfishness and whose workers have renounced the things of

earth. In ancient times many years of preparation were required before the neophyte was permitted to enter the temple of worlds. In this way the shallow, the curious, the faint of heart, and those unable to withstand the temptations of life were automatically eliminated by their inability to meet the requirements for admission. The successful candidate who did pass between the pillars entered the temple, keenly realizing his sublime opportunity, his divine obligation, and the mystic privilege which he had earned for himself through years of special preparation. Becoming a part of highest level of demonizing association.

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